ଡାଲମିଆ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର
ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର, ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ (ଓଡ଼ିଶା)
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9337496217
Dalmia College Rajgangpur
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9583830911


The college canteen caters to the needs of the students, teachers, employees of the institution and visitors. It functions from 7 AM to 5 PM on all working days. Freshly prepared and healthy food is available at reasonable price. Tea, snacks, and meals are prefererably prepared in a clean and hygienic environment. 

Rules & Regulation

  1. Students are strictly instructed to maintain dicsipline in the canteen area. 
  2. Proper hygiene and cleanliness must be maintained at all times. 
  3. Students are advised to wait in queues while taking their food. 
  4. The food should be priced reasonably.