ଡାଲମିଆ ମହାବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର
ରାଜଗାଙ୍ଗପୁର, ସୁନ୍ଦରଗଡ (ଓଡ଼ିଶା)
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9337496217
Dalmia College Rajgangpur
Email : dalmiacollege.rgp@gmail.com
Phone : 9583830911

Boys Hostel

Adivasi Boys Hostel is an ecosystem where hostel residents and staff work in harmony to make the stay of each and every resident as comfortable as possible. The hostel is for full-time under-graduate students.The hostel is allotted to the students in order of merit and distance of the applicants from various streams. Mostly preference is given to SC and ST students for hostel allottment. The hostel offers four-seater rooms with an intake capacity of 100 students. The hostel has a TV room, reading room, and sports room. the hostel is self-sustaining and has extensive lawns. The hostel is nestled in lush green surroundings with open courtyards. Guest rooms for visiting parents are also available. Mess facilities are also available for students serving both veg and non-veg dishes.The hostel is providing the students with a conducive atmosphere for study and learning.

Rules & Regulation

  1. Mess dues to be paid in advance before the last day of the preceding month.
  2. The following are considered breach of discipline:
          a) Absence from hostel without permission.
           b) Neglect of study.
           c) Absence during study hour.
           d) Writing on or disfiguring the walls, doors and windows.
           e) Use of drugs, alcohol, intoxicants, tobacco etc.
           f) Playing of cards and any form of gambling.
           g) The introduction of any unauthorized person.
           h) Holding of any meeting without the approval of the Superintendent.
           i) Disturbing one’s room-mate and others.
           j) Misconduct of any other description.
  3. Boarders are not allowed to take any direct action against any hostel
    Complaints should be brought to the notice of the
  4. No boarder is allowed to entertain guest(s) without prior permission of the Superintendent.
  5. There shall be fixed hours of study and meals.
  6. The caution money shall not be utilized during the period of boarder’s
    residence for realization of his/her dues.
  7. The internal Management of the hostel rests with the Superintendent.
  8. The hostels remain closed during Puja, X-mas and Summer Vacation.
  9. Whenever the boarders leave hostel for holidays or personal purpose
    they must apply to the Superintendent for leave and obtain permission.
  10. Withdrawal from the hostel requires the sanction of the Principal. No
    boarder shall be allowed to leave the hostel without prior permission
    of the Superintendent. The boarders must clear all hostel dues before
    leaving it.
  11. No student shall be admitted to the Hostel unless he is admitted to the 
  12. No special meal or food will be prepared for any boarder. Students
    who are used to special type(s) of food are advised not to stay in the
  13. The boarder must finish their meal within specified hours. No meal will
    be served to any boarder outside that hour.
  14. Any other matter not covered by the above rules shall be referred to
    the Superintendent or the Principal whose decision shall be final and binding.